On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quick Update

Just a quick update since it's been a while. No new news in the way of Rassie's CML. The last labs came back good.  Rassie's next oncology appointment is on March 1st, so a week away.  We should be able to update then on anything new the doctors have to say.

We're still fighting the worker's comp insurance in the way of Rassie's injury.  We're doing what we can at home to keep his legs worked out and moving.  He uses his left leg quite a bit to get around. It's the right one we're still working with to get feeling back.  Zurich is giving us the run around, better yet, they know how to work the system and they're doing it.  We got our 3rd denial for physical therapy.  It's a joke!  We have a letter written out that we are sending certified to Texas Dept of Insurance to request a benefits hearing. Hopefully then we will get something accomplished. Rassie has been without physical therapy since early December and this is just not acceptable. I can't understand why they (zurich) would not want to help someone walk again when the doctors keep saying that he will. Instead they want the doctors to change their diagnoses and say this is as good as Rassie will get!  What sad is that without therapy he could lose muscle tone and much more and not get as good as he could! They need to quit putting him off period! It gets old. I get impatient. I am so ready for this to be over with!

On another note, Rassie is still having his blackouts.   He passes out or goes into a daze.  Some days are worse than others.  The doctor had ordered an EEG but because of worker's comp it took us 2 weeks to get it approved and then they had to schedule it.  AND they scheduled a regular EEG instead of the 4 hour video EEG that the doctor had ordered. When we caught their mistake they had to reschedule which pushed us back even more. So finally this coming Friday, February 26th Rassie is having his 4 hour video EEG.  This will serve 2 purposes. 1) To see whats going on and why he's blacking out 2) To see where the conduction of the nerves are slowing down causing the paralysis in his legs.   Then on Monday, March 1st. He has 2 MRI's that will be done simultaneously of his upper back to see if there is something they missed when focusing on the lowers half of his body all this time.

Thanks for continuing to keep us in your prayers. They are much appreciated. I'll update when we know results from all the upcoming appointments

God Bless & Good Night


Holly said...

Glad to hear his CML is on track! I really wish progress was being made for him with the PT.

Sara said...

So glad to get an update. I think of y'all everytime I check my blogs. I agree with Holly. I hate that it is not going so smoothly. I will keep you all in our prayers.

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