On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Physical Therapy

Tomorrow is already Rassie's FIFTH physical therapy appointment. Can you believe it? He only has 12 visits total, approved right now so we're almost halfway through.  He is doing great. Rassie tells me about all the things in the pool they do. He does a lot of side stepping and walking. Rassie's right knee seems to give out alot when pressure is put on it.  The physical therapist is going to speak with Dr. F tomorrow (Monday) morning and see if she can get him to write a prescription for a leg/knee brace.  This will help stablize that leg and hopefully bring Rassie one step closer to walking.  From what Rassie has told me, they are going to be working with the parallel bars.

The physical therapist also has Rassie doing some exercises at home. Nothing new there, we've been doing things here at home all along.  But there are some new ones that she's added in. Rassie is also working on 'sit to stand'.  We pulled the walker out.  Rassie is supposed to try to stand up to do smaller, simple things.  Like getting a glass out of the cabinet.  Also, when he transfers to and from the car or to and from the bed.  Instead of using his arms to just slide over Rassie is supposed to stand up from the wheel chair and then sit down in the car.  He's getting pretty good at this. He also does side steps along the side of the bed.  Tomorrow, his physical therapy appointment is supposed to be on land. 

And the best part about all of this? Rassie's left leg is getting stronger by the day and .....his right leg too! Although he still can't feel the right leg from the knee down he is able to lift it more at the hip and that was a real struggle before.  It still is a struggle but you can just see the strength growing with each new day. 

On a side note, the 'episodes' are still doing better and I couldn't be happier.  I don't want to go back to those days where he wakes up having them, has them during the middle of the day, and then again in the evening. I don't want to go back to those days where I have to worry about him leaving the room by himself in fear that he might pass out and end up on the floor! I know we're not out of the woods yet but things are much better and that's all I can ask for.

I believe that we are truely Blessed as a family.  We have had a lot of obstacles thrown our way over this past year but God has been right there all along to give us the strength we need to pull through and carry on.  Thanks for your continued support.

God Bless


MommyIvy said...

I'm glad things are getting better and looking up! I am so happy for you guys!

Holly said...

He's making progress and that's great!

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