On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Test Results and Updates

Rassie's Oncology appointment went well. He got his 2nd scrip for Gleevec.  They only give it for 3 & 4 months at a time.  Can't hardly believe he's been taking it for 3 months already!  So now we have to get that faxed off to caremark because you cannot just go and pick it up at a pharmacy. It comes by UPS!  His lab results look good.  His white count is actually SUPER low at a whopping 4!  And yes you read that right, it's a 4.   They are not concerned. They are going to continue to monitor him monthly with the labwork and if the white count doesn't come back up some they will lower his dosage of Gleevec (so it can come back up).   We talked about how will we know when he's in remission and all that good stuff.  Eventually, they will have to do a bone marrow biopsy to see how all that is going but since he's only been on the Gleevec for 3 months they're going to hold off just a little longer.  And just in case you were wondering, there's no more easy bruising or swollen spleen going on.   All that went away when his white count dropped back into normal range.
Alright! Onto the EEG and MRI results.   Rassie had a 4 hour EEG this past Friday.  Well it was supposed to be 4 hours. They cut it a little short by the time they called us back and then they had to make sure all the tests results were in by 5 so he couldn't still be hooked up.   I think it was a joke.  He had a few minor episodes and then went to sleep.  They wanted him up at 4:30 am and no caffine after midnight the night before so he would be tired for the EEG.  Well he was and I really think it defeated the purpose in Rassie's case.  Because he didn't have any episodes like he has at home.  And the few that he did have? Well they saw some stress waves during those and so they are saying that stress is causing his blackouts and passing out.  I really disagree.  I know there is a ton of stress right now but he passes out in the middle of reading stories to Scarlett or sitting at the dinner table when he's just finished eating.  Guess this is just one of those issues we're going to have to push because they are happening way too frequently and I just can't be with him and watch the kids at the same time 24/7.  Something IS going on.  Rassie and I have talked about it and we're going to ask that he do the EEG where you wear the monitors home.  That way they (the doctors) can see what we see here at home.  It will be a little more extensive and hopefully they can actually find something out.
The MRI's came back normal also.  There was a slight disc protrution. In other words slipped disc. But it is not pushing on or affecting his cord in any way.  So it is not contributing to the blackouts.

OH! I know I mentioned that physical therapy had gotten approved for Rassie.  This past Monday he went in for a PT evaluation and physical therapy starts on March 10th! WOO HOO.  He has a total of 12 visits (4 weeks) and will go 3 times a week.  They are going to start out in the pool and work their way up to out of pool therapy.  I am hopeful.  Especially since his feet and legs have been twitching and kicking during the night when he's sleeping.  It's not every night or even all night but it is STRONG.  Last night I had to put a pillow between his legs because he kept kicking himself. He was alseep and had no idea he was doing it! On days Rassie is more active he seems to twitch or spasm more.  Who knows, maybe those nerves are trying to come back to life!

Thanks for all the continued support!
God Bless


Sara said...

Great news Amber! So glad to hear that things are looking up! I will continue to send prayers your way!

MommyIvy said...

Im glad they are getting the PT finally done. Maybe he is twitching because he asleep and just not thinking abt it? Maybe the blackouts and the walking all have something to do with each other?

Holly said...

Great news! Hopefully they can do the home EEG. That would be much better!

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