On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hello! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer. We're making the best of ours and with Rassie's improvement its been pretty great.

I continue to watch Rassie get better in leaps and bounds and I am so excited!  Yesterday, Rassie saw the 3rd party doctor for worker's comp. (issued by the State of Texas).  Once again, this doctor agreed with what Rassie's PM&R doctor has been saying all along.  He was extremely impressed with the improvement Rassie has made since last seeing him.  After all, Rassie has come a long way!  He agrees that we should keep pushing for more and more therapy until the job is done!  Dr. G says he believes that the next time he sees Rassie (in about 4 months) that he will come waltzing in the front door without a brace on. Or any support at all for that matter.  How exciting is that?!

Rassie is about finished with another round of therapy.  Two appointments left.   So the staff is getting the ball rolling for the next round of approval.   Dr. F had said he didn't think we would get anymore out patient therapy out of the worker's comp. insurance (PT at the hospital).  If that's the case they will push for home therapy (PT at home).  Either way, we will be happy to accept any and all therapy!

Oh yeah,  Rassie was supposed to have an oncology appointment this week.  It was postponed.  The staff doctor could not be there for some reason and the resident could not see him on her own....soooo...postponement was in order.  The bad news? We did not find out until the day of the appointment that it had been changed.  There would have been a lot less rush if we had known in advance but it's done and although it was a bit annoying we're way past that.  New appointment date: July 13.  Bad news: I may not be there.  Good news: I will be taking a test for a job with hopes of passing and getting an interview!!!

Thank you for all your prayers and support.  I ask that you continue to pray! Pray for Rassie's full recovery from his back injury.  Pray for Rassie's leukemia to be sent into remission.  Pray that our family holds strong through all of this.  And last but not least, Pray for me and the job I am going for.  It's a little hard to be getting back into the job world after being home with the babies for the past 2.5 years but I know that God will be with me all the way.  Thanks again for your continued support.

God Bless!