On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I guess I'm a  little behind on all my updates.  Rassie had an appointment with Dr. F last Wednesday. It was at the physical medicine and rehabilitatin department of Scott & White.  Dr. F watched Rassie walk this time. But he didn't poke and prod and all the normal stuff he does. I guess that's because he had seen Rassie 2 weeks prior to that and checked out all his accomplishments then! He wrote a prescription for Rassie to get an ankle brace for his right ankle. Sometimes he doesn't realize he rolls it or starts to walk on the side of it because he can't feel it still.  Rassie has done really good about watching his feet though to make sure he's standing on them properly.  Mainly just the right one.  He has great range of motion with the left. Another follow up to come in 2-4 weeks.

I am proud to say that Rassie has been wheel chair free for about the last 3 weeks. Prior to that he was only using the wheel chair as needed.   Rassie has also been walking with a cane for the last 3 weeks also. He as graduated from a quad cane to a straight cane (just a regular cane).  And the insurance has paid for him to go and get his own. He did have one on loan from the physical therapy dept.

We are all so proud of the progress he has made and is making.   Last October was a very hard time for all of us.  I still remember standing at the foot of his bed while the doctors asked him to move his toes and feet and he couldn't. I remember walking into his ER room with my brother and telling him we were in the wrong room.  My brother thought we were too.  On the phone Rassie had said he hurt his back.  When we walked into the ER room there was a man laying flat on his back. A neck brace, oxygen mask and all kinds of monitors.  Not something I expected to see, to say the least. It has been on long journey but we are making it.  Most importantly, Rassie IS making it and he IS improving.  It's all we have hoped for.

On another note, Rassie has an oncology appointment comping up on June 2nd.  Not sure what's in store for us yet.  The past few oncology appointments have been pretty calm and routine.  Go in, ask your questions, doctor asks his questions, check vitals, go over labs, etc.  Pretty much they make sure everything is going smoothly.  I have a feeling Rassie will be having a bone marrow biopsy in the near future but I guess I won't really know until after June 2nd.  I'll keep y'all posted!

Thanks for following along on our journey.  We really appreciated the continued support and prayers.  There's always strength in numbers and God knows that each and every one of you are praying!

God Bless!

An Oldie but A Goodie
Thought I'd share a smile