On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Rassie finally picked a bike.  He did lots of research. He did lots of  in store test runs and finally came out with one he liked.  It was sturdy, he like the way it 'felt', and it had good ratings. 

My brother, Michael, took him to pick it up.  As soon as he got home he assembled it along with the help of the kids!  He's been working on it everyday and has started setting goals for himself.  

Below are a a few of the pictures I snapped while he was putting the bike together.  Sorry for the quality, they were snapped from my cell phone.

Being good and reading the directions!

Opening up some boxes while the kids help. They're so curious.

Lane, happy to pose for the shot while Daddy is hard at work.
And yes, that is Mickey Mouse on the TV!

Sweet Scarlett helping out while Daddy puts the seat on.

Almost Done!

Putting the finishing touches on, tightening everything up.
Excuse the mess in the background!

Testing out the finished product!

Thank you Again to the person who helped make this possible.