On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Finally, A Moment to Update

Rassie was released from Scott & White on Friday.  I was worried about getting in to pick him up because the hospital was supposedly still on lockdown from the shooting at Ft. Hood. But I got right in.  We got Rassie and his 3 weeks of collected "stuff" packed up and ready to go.  All we were waiting for was the nurse to come in and go over the discharge papers. Seemed like it took forever but we finally made it out of that place.  He will continue physical therapy as an outpatient and they are trying to set it up so that PT comes to our house.  How nice that will be!  We swung by the registration office on our way home and picked up temporary handicap tags.  I am thankful for those because I can't get the car door open far enough for the wheel chair without them!  Then I got Rassie all settled in at home and fed.

Then it was off to get his prescriptions. Oh the joys!  I went to CVS first.  They didn't carry the pain medicine prescribed. The pharmacist called all over town for me and no one carried it in that dosage.  And the doctor forgot to write 'workers comp' on the prescription so they wouldn't take the rest of the scrips as workers comp.  Off to pharmacy #2.  I went back to the hospital to use their pharmacy. I figured if the doctor prescribed this pain med the hospital pharmacy should have it. WRONG!  I was told they had it in a lower dosage and I would have to get a new prescription. No problem. I paged the doctor he called back immediately. I ran up to the 4th floor grabbed the new scrip and went back to the pharmacy downstairs.  Only for them to tell me they didn't have any dosage of that pain medicine but to come back Monday! You have got to be kidding me.  I let them fill the rest of the meds and I ran home to Rassie.  He has a slow release pain med that did get filled and he needed it plus the others.  I called around to even more pharmacies.  Guess what?! I found one that had the dosage for the orginial scrip and not the rewritten one. Just my luck huh? I just about given up.  I finally found a Walgreens that had the right dosage but not enough pills. I decided to go with it or else Rassie wouldn't have anything until Monday.  My luck got better when I went to pick up the prescription.  The worker's comp insurance was already closed for the weekend and I couldn't get approval on the last pain medication.  Luckily I had our BCBS ins. on me and it was only $10.  What a night!  I finally made it home. Made sure Rassie had everything he needed and we were both passed out by 9:30!

Saturday was Rassie's birthday. I made him breakfast and we just relaxed for the early half of the day.  Then at 5 we had a wedding to be at.  Rassie was up for getting out of the house and going so we made our way there. It was a beautiful wedding.

Since I didn't get to do anytihng special for Rassie on Saturday, I cooked slow roasted steak and potatoes on Sunday. It turned out so yummy!  I also treated Rassie to a homecooked breakfast and a good lunch.  I have to say he enjoyed it alot.  But why wouldn't he? He's been stuck eating hospital food 95% of the time for the past 3 weeks!   Scarlett and I also made Daddy a cake.  Scarlett was such a good little helper and Rassie really loved watching her help out and have fun.   To see pictures of Scarlett making Daddy's birthday cake click here.

We have all had a really good weekend and hope there are many more to come!  We are waiting on all the follow up appointments to be set up (for everything, injury and CML) and we will go from there. Tomorrow I call the case manager and find out what the insurance said about Gleevec. We still haven't heard back. I'm hoping no news is good news.

God Bless & Good Night
Yes he's 30 but we were out of candles so it was "1" or "Tinkerbell"  Scarlett picked out the "1".  I think Daddy enjoyed being 1 instead of 30!   Happy Birthday Rassie!


MommyIvy said...

I am so happy for you guys, that he is home!

Heather said...

I just recently started following your blog and used to have you on myspace. I didn't know all this had happened.I'm glad your husband is back home and had a good birthday. I've had my rounds with pharmacies. Jack had to have a compounded med and there was only one in Waco.

Holly said...

Goodness gracious! Who knew it was so hard to fill prescriptions!!! What a mess! Glad you finally got most of them. Looks like Rassie had a great bday! He got to be home and get good food and cake!

Sara said...

Hooray!! Glad that Rassie finally made it home! Now you all need to relax and enjoy it! I know this time has been so crazy for you!

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