On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Gleevec is HERE!

Rassie's Gleevec arrived via UPS on Wednesday morning.  He started his first dose Friday.  So far no ill side effects.  I expect it will take a few days or weeks before they kick in, but who am I to say.   He did get a little sick to his stomach yesterday but that was most likely because he took all his meds for his back injury too and on an empty stomach.  I am always telling him to make sure he eats when he takes his meds to avoid these things but sometimes Rassie is just so hard headed!  I guess thats why I love him though :)   Rassie will continue to go in every Wednesday for labs and then on January 25th he goes back to the oncologist to see Dr. O and Dr. W to see how things are progressing with the Gleevec.   Of course if he needs to see them for anything in between now and then he can call and schedule an appointment.  K, the case worker in the oncology department has also been a big help in answering any questions we might have.   So for now its just a sit back and wait situation.  And I am excited to see the progress Rassie makes in the days, weeks and months to come!
No new news on the back injury.  We are still doing physical therapy here at home by ourselves everyday and with a physical therapist 3 times a week.  Making some progress in the right leg and very, very little is starting to come back in the left but I'll take it!  Lot's more appointments and hard work to come.  I will update when we know more.  OH, there is one new thing.  Yesterday in the car I turned the heat on and it blew a blast of cold air on the feet first and Rassie felt the cold on his feet!!! It was only for a minute or two and it was a cold tingling feeling but he has not been able to differentiate between hot and cold since the accident.  This was BIG!!!!  I was super excited and so was Rassie.  Hopefully the hematoma is starting to decrease and the nerves that were compressed will start to regenerate so that Rassie can regain feeling

God Bless


Holly said...

So glad the Gleevac has arrived! Yay! And that's good he felt the cold!

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