On September 25, 2009, Rassie was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia. His symptoms: Swollen Feet and bruising. We never exepected a diagnoses of Leukemia. The Doctors and we ourselves, are very optimistic about the treatments available. We know that we have a long road ahead of us and we hope that you will support us on our journey to recovery.

Monday, November 30, 2009

So Far So Good

Rassie has been on the Gleevec for four days now. So far everything is pretty good. The first day he had some nausuea and vomitting early on. I am pretty sure it was a side effect of not eating and taking several medications all at once. Other than that one time the only side effect he is having are mouth sores. They are a side effect of the Gleevec and Dr. O prescribed him a mouthwash to rinse with. She said its a pretty common side effect.

Not sure if I ever updated with Rassie's most recent WBC* but it is in the normal range again. The last read was at 8,200. YAY!
This week is a pretty busy one for Rassie. Physical therapy is coming Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. The home health nurse is coming Tuesday. Lane has a doctors appointment Tuesday morning so Daddy is going to stay home with Scarlett. Rassie is pretty comfortable with watching the kids alone for short periods. Wednesday is lab draw day and Rassie also has an appointment with the ETS clinic for an absess he got from all the tissue damage to his back. It's looking great and almost completely heeled. Thursday I think we are actually FREE and staying home to relax. Friday Rassie has a follow up with his primary, Dr. R just to make sure everything is going smoothly. Next week starts the process all over again and on December 9th we have another follow up with the rehabilitation doctor Dr. F. We are still waiting on approval from workmans compensation insurance to see the nuerosurgeon again. Dr. F thinks it is a good idea for a re-evaluation with that department. Doesn't seem to be much improvement so far with the hematoma yet either.

If any of you remember, Rassie lost feeling in his left leg. We talked with Dr. F on the phone this week and told him how Rassie can move the leg in his sleep. Dr. F said that is pretty normal because your body and nerves are more relaxed in your sleep. It's also a good sign that the body part still works! Rassie is making improvement strengthening the upper part of his right leg. He can move it quite a bit compared to when the accident first happened. He still can't move the lower portion or feel anything other than tingling. With the exception of feeling the blast of cold tingling on his feet the other day.

This past week the at home physical therapy was a little rough on Rassie. With the new loss of feeling in his left leg, standing with the walker was a little bit tougher. He managed to stand but then his legs gave out and he went to the floor. Don't worry, he didn't just crash. They physical therapist assistant and I were helping him and we got him down and seated on the floor. So the next time Rassie did the standing exercise we did it at the kitchen sink. This way he could lock his knees against the cabinets and keep them from buckling. He did a great job and stood a total of three times. Alot of the weight is still on his arms but thats ok. He's still doing a great job!

That's all for now.
God Bless & Good Night
*WBC = White Blood Count